Toyota Landcruiser Hilux to 1991 40 60 70 Series Genuine Glow Plug Relay
This is a genuine Toyota glow plug relay to suit Toyota Landcruiser and Hilux to 1991<br>
This includes the following models:<br>
Toyota Landcruiser 40 Series – FJ40, FJ45, BJ40, BJ42, HJ45, HJ47<br>
Toyota Landcruiser FJ55<br>
Toyota Landcruiser 60 Series – FJ60, FJ62, HJ60, HJ61<br>
Toyota Landcruiser 70 Series – BJ70, BJ73, BJ74<br>
Toyota Landcruiser Bundera – LJ70<br>
Toyota Hilux RN46, LN46, YN65, LN65, YN105, LN106, LN107, LN111, RN110, RZN169<br>
Part number for reference: 28610-54090<br>
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